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  • Cope Angel strengthens alliances on mainland Japan

    Team Misawa and Japan Air Self-Defense Force members executed exercise Cope Angel 17 side-by-side at Draughon Range and Misawa Air Base, Japan, Aug. 9, for the first time on the country's mainland.CA17 is an annual bilateral event between the JASDF, known as the Koku-Jieitai, and U.S. Air Force in

  • PACAF command chief receives Wild Weasel welcome

    The Pacific Air Forces’ command chief received a base tour, here, July 10 – 13, to visit various shops and organizations while sharing his goals for improving PACAF’s enlisted force so they can work at their highest level.Previously a security forces Defender, Chief Master Sgt. Anthony Johnson, the

  • Airman welcomes life into Misawa

    "Labor is like a box of chocolates--you never know what you're gonna get," according to some mothers while describing the process, referencing Forrest Gump. At Misawa Air Base, uncertainties still exist, but one guarantee is the doctors, like Capt. Paola Rosa, a 35th Surgical Operations Squadron

  • Winning mind wars to overcome life's battles

     Every morning, Capt. Mary Zander, a 35th Medical Operations Squadron psychologist, wakes up, puts her uniform on, and prepares for a day of listening and finding solutions to help her patients conquer their challenges.Air Force psychologists provide deeper-level care for patients by taking a look

  • Misawa physical therapy: Getting bodies back in motion

    When Airmen suffer from illness or injury, motor functions can be adversely compromised creating a need for a trained specialist.Providing services that help restore function, improve mobility and relieve pain, the 35th Medical Operations Squadron physical therapy team works closely with patients to

  • Bilateral exercise prepares JASDF, USAF for airshow

    MISAWA AIR BASE, Japan -- Midday, a loud boom echoed across Misawa’s flight line during a bilateral emergency management exercise led by the Japanese Air Self Defense Force, Aug. 31.The exercise was held to prepare USAF and JASDF members in the case of a scenario where a suicide bomber detonates an