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  • A closer look inside Misawa’s radiology flight

    A board-certified radiologist and several specialty-trained technologists perform standard and portable x-rays, fluoroscopy, digital mammography, ultrasounds and computer tomography exams in the 35th Surgical Operations Squadron radiology flight at Misawa Air Base, Japan.

  • Foster kid overcomes adversity, becomes medical Airman, mother

    Airman 1st Class Elizabeth Williams, a 35th Medical Operations Squadron aerospace medical technician, shares her story from foster kid to Airman, mentor and raising the Air Force’s next generation. She challenges every service member and parent to believe in themselves.

  • Misawa military mom paints for mission, morale

    To be an artist requires passion, creativity and inspiration. Although an artist’s techniques and skills may vary, it is their ability to capture thoughts and emotions that keep drive them to create their next piece of work.  Sharon Smith, a military spouse of Maj. Brian Smith, a physical therapist

  • Nurse Advice Line launches in PACAF

    The Military Health System Nurse Advice Line, a service available to military health care beneficiaries living in the U.S. and Europe since 2014, is now available to those in the Pacific Air Forces.