Welcome to Misawa, Japan. The School Liaison directly supports the Installation through enhancing unit family readiness for grades K-12. It is the School Liaison’s job to ensure that military-connected families and students receive support services while assigned to a military installation. We know that education related topics are one of the primary concerns for PCSing families. Military members worry about their children having access to quality education, resources and support while deployed, TDY, and throughout the PCS processes, as well as establishing connectedness and belonging while on station. The School Liaison offers consistent and impactful support that helps military families with transitions, education, and deployments. Contact your School Liaison for more information.

Other information

SLP info Graph (click image to expand)

DAF Program Brochure



School Liaison

Office Hours: 0730-1630

DSN: 315-226-0403

Work Cell: 080-8204-7885

Email: MisawaSchoolLiaison@us.af.mil 

Location: Building 626, 2nd floor

Connect With: School Liaisons Around the World

FSS Website: https://35fss.com/misawa-school-liaison/