
The U.S. Air Force engages in Public Affairs to provide trusted counsel to leaders; build, maintain, and strengthen Airman morale and readiness; enhance public trust and support; and achieve global influence and deterrence. The triad of Public Affairs practitioners, bandsmen, and broadcasters is dedicated to executing the Public Affairs mission for the Air Force. The triad uses its resources to research, plan, execute, and evaluate communication strategies and tactics.

It is the responsibility of all Airmen to tell the Air Force story. Whether they're representing their base at a community function or representing the U.S. in a wartime or contingency operation, all Airmen are front-line ambassadors for the Air Force. It is imperative for the Public Affairs triad to prepare all Airmen to be credible, intelligent, and articulate spokespersons for the Air Force. 


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Contact Us

Misawa Public Affairs 
Location: Bldg. 507 Risner Circle Misawa Air Base, Japan 
Mailing AddressMisawa AB, 35 FW/PA, Unit 5009, APO AP 96319-5009  
Phone: DSN (315) 226-3075  or  Commercial 011 8 1 176 77 3075   
E-mail: 35fw.pa@us.af.mil                             

Customer Service Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  

Social Media

Misawa Air Base      Misawa Air Base Facebook    Misawa Air Base Instagram