The following are necessary security and safety procedures for control of photography on the Misawa AFB flight line.

Flight line photography requires advanced approval. Photo letters don't authorize access to restricted areas, so an individual with proper line badge credentials must be present. An approval letter must be hand-carried. Notifications must be made to certain agencies before entering the restricted area and the letter must be presented to any uniformed personnel who request to view it. 

Personnel will follow major design series approval process letter guidance, which states all individuals, must seek authorization to access and photograph areas of the flight line and they will have Public Affairs review all imagery prior to public release.

Personnel desiring to capture imagery on the flight line must request a flight line photo authorization letter by emailing the Misawa Air Base office 35fw.pa@us.af.mil at least 20-duty days in advance. Units requesting group passes must submit their requests at least 30-duty days in advance. 

Flight line photo and/or video passes will only be issued to personnel that have a valid flight line restricted area badge.  Civilians and personnel without flight line badges must have an escort or be placed on an Entry Authorization Letter for the restricted area they wish to enter.  The requesting agency will provide escort service when required.

Authorized personnel must also coordinate their request with the agency having control of the desired area and or aircraft.  Personnel authorized to take photos and or video must also notify base operations or the Misawa Law Enforce desk at 226-3600 before beginning any photography. A copy of the approved flight line photo authorization letter, ID and RAB must be carried while on the flight line and available upon demand by security forces personnel.

All imagery intended for public release must be cleared through 35 Fighter Wing Public Affairs (315) 226-3075 prior to release. Imagery can be emailed to the Public Affairs office at 35fw.pa@us.af.mil or brought to the Public Affairs office Bldg. 507. Public Affairs is required to conduct a security and policy review of all imagery intended for public release. Please allow 1-10 business days as the Public Affairs office may need to consult other base agencies. Imagery used for internal official purposes and that will not be released outside of the DoD does not require Public Affairs review.  

Contact Us

Mailing Address: Misawa AB, 35 FW/PA, Unit 5009, APO AP 96319-5009                    
Location: Bldg. 507 Risner Circle Misawa Air Base, Japan 

E-mail: 35fw.pa@us.af.mil                             
DSN: (315) 226-3075  or  Commercial: 011 8 1 176 77 3075       

Base Operator:   DSN: (315) 226-1110 or Commercial: 011 81 176 77 1110 

Customer Service Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.