三沢飛行場友情ツアーのウェブサイトへようこそ!私たちはあなたがここにいてくれることを大変嬉しく思い、基地の素晴らしい経験と豊かな歴史を共有できることを楽しみにしています。美しい日本北部の中心に位置する三沢飛行場は、数十年にわたる米日友情の象徴です。私たちの友情ツアーは、軍事航空、文化交流、そしてコミュニティを定義する温かい仲間意識を探求するユニークな機会を提供します。驚異的な航空機から待っている文化的な出会いまで、強い絆が結ぶことを深く感じ、忘れられない思い出と友情の精神に対する深い感謝を持って帰る旅に出かけることをお招きします。では、この冒険を共に始めましょう。三沢飛行場の過去、現在、そして未来を発見しましょう - 友情の精神の真実の証です。

Welcome to the Misawa Air Base (MAB) Friendship Tour! We are thrilled you are interested in learning more about MAB, and we can't wait to share the incredible experiences and rich history of our base with you. Nestled in the heart of beautiful northern Japan, Misawa Air Base has been a symbol of enduring U.S.-Japan friendship for decades. Our Friendship Tour offers a unique opportunity to explore the fascinating world of military aviation, cultural exchange, and the warm camaraderie that defines our community. From the awe-inspiring aircraft to the cultural encounters that await, we invite you to embark on a journey that will leave you with lasting memories and a deeper appreciation for the strong bonds that unite us. So, let's begin this adventure together, discovering the past, present, and future of Misawa Air Base - a true testament to the spirit of friendship.




1. Sollars Elementary School | ソラーズ小学校

Sollars Elementary School services more than 750 children in grades K-6. Our current school building was completed in 1998. The school has approximately 50 teachers, and Art, Music, PE, and Japanese classes. We have a cafeteria, gym, information center, administrative offices, a large play with basketball courts, a baseball diamond, and a separate playground for kindergarten and Pre-K use.


2. Friendship Park | フレンドシップパーク

Friendship Air Park depicts a U.S. F-16 and JASDF F-1 flying in formation. The park symbolizes the U.S. and Japan security alliance.


3. Hospital | 病院

The 35th Medical Group is a 23-bed inpatient Military Treatment Facility providing primary and limited specialty care to approximately 10,000 residents at Misawa Air Base, Japan.

Specialty care services include General Surgery, Orthopedics, Obstetrics and Gyneocoloy, Mental Health, and Physical Therapy. Medical needs exceeding the 35th Medical Group’s capabilities are either referred to a Japanese treatment facility or Aeromedically evacuated to Joint-Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii.


4. Youth Center | ユースセンター

The Youth Center is where base children do many recreational activities like basketball, crafts and team building exercises.


5. Edgren Middle High School | エドグレン中高校

Edgren Middle High School is attended by students in grades 6-12. The school was named to honor Colonel Robert D. Edgren, a former commander of Misawa Air Base.

エドグレン中高校は6年生から12年生の生徒が通う学校です。この学校は、三沢飛行場の前司令官であるRobert D. Edgren大佐に敬意を表して名付けられました。

6. Life Plaza | ライフプラザ

Life Plaza consists of a bowling center, library, Starbucks coffee, and Potter Fitness Center.


7. Express Exchange | コンビニ

The Exchange Express, commonly called the Shoppette, is the base's convenient store where base personnel can go snacks, drinks, and other miscellaneous items.

一般的にショペットと呼ばれる Exchange Express は、基地職員が軽食、飲み物、その他の雑貨を購入できる基地のコンビニエンス ストアです。

8. CE Compound | CEコンパウンド

The Civil Engineering compound housing numerous base construction offices and equipment, and also includes our housing management office’s Self Help store that assists residents with fixing their homes with supplies at no cost.


9. Car Care Center | カーケアセンター

The Pit Stop Garage is where members can bring their cars to get them fixed, oil changes, and JCI pre-inspections. There is also a gas station there.


10. Runway | 滑走路

Misawa’s runway is 3,050 meters long and 45.5 meters wide. We’re operationally capable of accepting a full range of military and civilian aircraft including F-16 Fighting Falcons and Japanese F-35s. The runway is used by the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and the Japan Air Self-Defense Force as well as commercial aircraft from Misawa Airport such as Japan Air Lines.


11. Ski Lodge | スキーロッジ

The base has a ski lodge and beginner’s slope available to base personnel.


12. Base Beach | ベースビーチ

Lake Ogawara and our base beach are popular locations where members of the base can cookout, play sports and rent kayaks and cabins for recreational use.


13. Fire Trainer | 消防訓練

The fire department’s structural and aircraft fire trainers are used to practice putting out fires in case of real-world emergencies.


14. Petroleum Oils Lubricants (POL) | 石油・オイル・潤滑油

POL is the primary inlet for fuel on base supporting our aircraft. Large trucks, called Refueler, load up with the fuel and transport it out to the jets on the flight line.


15. Misawa Club | 三沢クラブ

The Misawa Club is where many functions are held such as meetings, retirements, promotion ceremonies, the annual Air Force Ball, and events such as Japan Day.


16. Post Office | 郵便局

On your right, you will see the post office and the base theater. The theater is currently closed for safety concerns.


17. Base Exchange and Commissary | ベースエクスチェンジとコミッサリ

The Base Exchange and Commissary have a flower shop, beauty and barber shops, food court, and local souvenirs and gifts. Many items can be purchased including food, clothes, electronics, office supplies, diapers, and other household items.

ー ベースエクスチェンジとコミッサリーには、花屋、美容室、食堂、地元のお土産やギフトがあります。食品、衣類、電子機器、文房具、おむつ、家庭用品など、多くのアイテムを購入できます。