BIOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING FLIGHTThe Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight (BEF) offers expertise in occupational and environmental health and radiation safety. BEF employs these skill sets in routine surveillance of industrial workplaces and extends those capabilities into the emergency response arena. BEF provides quantitative fit testing services for CBRN gas masks as well as industrial workers requiring respiratory protection within their work areas. BEF monitors the heat stress condition (WBGT) during the summer months and recommends appropriate work-rest cycles. BEF leads the installation radiation safety program and provides compliance support for radiation users. BEF ensures the quality of the installation tap water
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Location: Bldg 971, North End, Second Floor
Contact Information:
Office phone: 226-6010/07/08
after duty hours (via Command Post): 226-9899
Flight Leadership Contact Information:
Flight Commander: 226-6112
Flight Chief: 226-6109
Information Sources:
Heat Stress: Updated on Commander's Action Channel when appropriate
Water Quality: Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report at
Special Services Hours:
Gas Mask QNFT: 8 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at LRS Training Classroom, Bldg 1334.
Industrial respirator fit testing: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Thursdays in Bldg 971.
Note: Walk-in special services are only provided for deploying personnel (Bldg. 971). IAW AFI 48-137, CBRN gas mask fit testing is only required once per lifetime, upon arrival at the first permanent duty station or upon assignment to a unit type code (UTC). CBRN gas mask fit testing will be re-accomplished if a new size or type mask is issued, the wearer gains/losses 10% or more of body weight following completion of the initial CBRN gas mask fit test, or the wearer experiences extensive dental work, facial surgery, scarring, or disfigurement.
Location: Unit 5024, Bldg. 99
Phone: 226-6133 or 6134
The Flight Medicine Clinic provides acute, routine and wellness primary care services by appointment to enrolled TRICARE Prime beneficiaries assigned to the Flight Surgeon as their PCM.
Clinical services are available in the Flight Medicine Clinic from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays thru Fridays (except Federal holidays and PACAF Family days) for the following: Return-to-Flying-Status (RTFS) appointments, Initial/annual physical exams for Flying Class II and III for flight and special operational duties personnel, Occupational Health Assessments (OHA), Preventative Health Assessments (PHA), pre-employment physical exams, enlistment/commissioning physical exams, familiarization flight physical exams, individual medical readiness, acute, and routine appointments. Pilots' beneficiaries (spouses and children) can also avail of routine and acute appointments at Flight Medicine Clinic.
Patients in need of these services may call the front desk during the above hours at 226-6133 or 6134. All flying personnel (active or inactive) must also call 226-6133 or 6134 to schedule an incoming clearance appointment or annual flight physical as these specialty appointments are not scheduled through the Central Appointments line.
Location: Building 99, Basement Floor
Phone: 226-6040
The Optometry Clinic welcomes you to Misawa! Our hours of operation are from 0730-1630 Monday through Friday except down days, family days, and federal holidays.
Look for our Face Book page under "Misawa Optometry Clinic ". "Like" us so you can see the latest Optometry Clinic news and updates.
Save valuable time when you check-in. We have downloadable exam and 3rd party insurance forms that you can fill out in the comfort of your home. You can then print out the forms from our Facebook page and bring them to your appointment, it's that simple!
Active duty personnel and retirees, glasses selection has never been easier. You can now view our glasses selection on our Facebook page. Indicate your frame selection on your form and bring it to your appointment.
Patients, as a reminder please bring your most current pair of glasses, contact lenses/contact lens boxes (if any).
Location: Building 697 (behind Misawa Inn on Risner Circle)
Phone: 226-6550 (If immediate assistance is needed, contact Nutritional Medicine @ 226-6093)
Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. (The HAWC closes from 8 a.m. thru 11 a.m. on the second Friday of every month for training).
The HAWC is dedicated to prevention and health enhancement. The HAWC is open to all personnel with access to Misawa AFB.
The following awareness, education, and intervention programs are offered through the HAWC:
BE WELL Class (mandatory class for AD who fail fitness assessment)
Physical Training Leader Course
Exercise Evaluation and Planning/ Injury Prevention Counseling
Tobacco Cessation/Prevention
Prenatal Class
Portions off the Pounds (POP) Class (weight loss class)
Cholesterol Class
Nutrition Evaluation and Education (see below)
Nutritional Medicine Clinic
The Nutrition Clinic provides nutrition counseling on a one-on-one basis for nutrition and dietary guidance and support. Topics may include carbohydrate counting, cholesterol management, diabetes, and other special nutrition topics.
Patients may self-refer to the Nutrition Clinic or upon the recommendation of the assigned PCM to address specific medical issues. For more information call 226-6550 or 226-6093.