• Base Housing

    Q1: When does the A/C get turned on in base housing?

    A1: The AC setting is now on. From May 1st until August 31st units will have dual capabilities. Meaning units will be able to choose between heat and A/C. You can only choose one function. All thermostats must be on either AC or Heat.

    Q2: Why does my thermostat stay at 72 degrees when in cool mode?

    A2: Misawa is proud to prioritize energy conservation. Keeping thermostats at similar temperatures also helps prevent damage to the HVAC equipment.

    The settings are set by CE seasonally and you can only use your system in either AC (snowflake symbol) or Heat mode (sun symbol) and Fan mode (fan blade symbol). You cannot use AC in one room and heat in another room, if you attempt to use both heat and ac at the same time, your system will automatically default to “fan” mode.

    If this happens, you will need to turn off all thermostats, wait 5 minutes, then turn them on, then place thermostats to either AC,  heat or fan mode. If attempts are made to bypass the system, the control system will "centrally lock" and you will not have control of your system.

    If you have any questions, please contact Housing Management or visit their Facebook page.

    Q3: Can there be a designated bulk trash area on base for PCS move outs? The only answer for trash is to leave it on the curve until bulk pick-up day.

    A3: The Housing Office is working with the Housing Community Planning Team to create bulk pick up locations and eliminate the curbside pickup. They recently visited multiple areas and assessed that Misawa Housing Community bulk pick-up is a trending concern. Establishing bulk trash pick area changes requires some logistical planning… such as establishing, and advertising new bulk pick up locations.

    Until the new bulk pick locations are established, some things to help reduce the amount of trash on curbs is to plan ahead. Do not wait until the week of your final inspection to start disposing items. Many items can be disposed of prior to final inspection.

    Bulk pick items are picked up at various times of the week depending on the location of your housing unit. Bulk pick-up dates can be found in the Misawa Housing Brochure or by contacting the Housing Facilities Section at DSN 226-9966.

    We also understand there may be cleaning supplies that cannot be placed on the curb due to crows ripping bags open, but the Housing Inspectors allow other items such as brooms and hoses to be placed on curb without failing your inspection.

Ask the Commander

Do you have a question for the commander? If you have a problem or concern, he wants to hear about it. Please submit your question to 35fw.pa@us.af.mil.