Misawa St. Jude's Catholic Community
Base Chapel, bldg. 358
Daily Mass: Mon, Tues, Wed, and Thurs 1130
Sunday Mass: 0900
Sunday at 0800-0845
(or by appointment)
Contact the Catholic RE Coordinator at stjudere@gmail.com
For all parish matters contact misawasaintjude@gmail.com
Choir Practice
Thursday at 1800
Chaplains are available for pastoral counseling and ensure absolute confidentiality. To schedule an appointment, please check with your unit chaplain or call the Misawa Chapel Office DSN:226-4630/4673(HOPE) COMM:0176-77-4630/4673(HOPE)
Base Chapel, Bldg. 358
Protestant Worship Service at 1100
Fellowship and study groups meet regularly for men, women, married, single, etc. Please contact Chapel for more information.
Sunday Children's Church at 1100, Nursery to 6th grade
Wednesday AWANA at 1745-1930 (pre-K-6th grade)
Sunday IGNITE at 1800-1930 (6th-12th grade)
Praise Team Tuesday at 1800
If you don't see your religious preference or need assistance locating your faith group, please reach out.
Location: Bldg. 358 (Across the street from Sollars Elementary School)
Phone: 226 - 4630/4673(HOPE)
Email: 35fw.hc@us.af.mil
After hours please contact Command Post at 226-3500 or the on-call duty chaplain phone 090-7323-4556
Chapel Trifold
Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints
POC: Robert Nelson
Marsha Nelson
100% Confidentiality
Pastoral Counseling
Crisis & Trauma Ministry
Worship/Religious Ed
Religious Rites/Ceremonies
Spiritual, Religious
Ethical, Moral & Issues
Religious Accommodation