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  • Chief Challenged by Final Flight

    Chief Master Sgt. Joey R. Meininger, outgoing command chief of the 35th Fighter Wing at Misawa Air Base, describes the experience of flying in the backseat of an F-16 Fighting Falcon, being Team Misawa's command chief, and the impact the total force team makes on the Wild Weasel mission at Misawa.

  • Ops Airman rediscovers self in Misawa fitness center

    Gaining physical strength while becoming leaner and more confident is how Senior Airman Sidnea Bailey, a 35th Operations Support Squadron aircrew flight equipment journeyman, became the resilient, independent and driven Wild Weasel she is today.

  • Fighting my way back

    Growing up in New York, I never made the gym a top priority because distractions and fun quickly stole my attention. As a city boy from Brooklyn, I took advantage of everything my home had to offer, including local restaurants, speak-easies and rooftop lounges.I spent 25 years enjoying eating and

  • Kick the habit! Adverse effects of smoking

    Smoking not only effects an individual's fitness regimen but also loved ones around them. Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or at work have an increased risk of developing lung cancer by 20 to 30 percent. While exposing others to the risks associated with the habit,

  • May Misawa Town Hall

    Leaders and subject matter experts from across the wing came together to answer hot topics questions during a community town hall May 8.

  • Team Misawa runners improve fitness one step at a time

    Fitness is an essential aspect for Airmen to maintain a “fight tonight” posture, ensuring they can complete any tasks at hand, whether physical or mental. “I think your fitness and work standards have a direct correlation,” said Tech. Sgt. Gerard Tilley, the 35th Maintenance Group education and