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  • Airman welcomes life into Misawa

    "Labor is like a box of chocolates--you never know what you're gonna get," according to some mothers while describing the process, referencing Forrest Gump. At Misawa Air Base, uncertainties still exist, but one guarantee is the doctors, like Capt. Paola Rosa, a 35th Surgical Operations Squadron

  • Medical personnel stay ready for the real deal

    Medical facility personnel arrive for another day on the job and prepare for the day’s workload. Immediately a voice over the intercom sounds off, “Code blue! Code blue! Code blue!,” alerting all staff a patient has collapsed from a heart attack and requires immediate attention.When a 35th Medical

  • Public health: Working to maintain Misawa's well-being

    Caring for the health of base personnel can mean many different things in the medical world, but to the public health professionals with the 35th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, this means helping prevent illness before it can affect the community.It's the job of these specialists to protect base

  • Air Force, Army medical exercise concludes at Misawa

    Airmen from the 35th Medical Group and Soldiers from the 228th Combat Support Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, completed a joint medical exercise here, Aug. 26.During the exercise MEDEX 16, Soldiers integrated their assets, personnel and procedures with those of Airmen, increasing the capabilities of