News Search

  • Maintenance holds first quarterly safety meeting

    The 35th Maintenance Group recently implemented quarterly safety meetings. The first meeting was held Feb. 29. The meetings are intended for maintenance leadership to examine past, current and future maintenance trends, incidents and proactive measures to ensure they remain an outstanding

  • Get prepared during Red Cross Month

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a proclamation in 1943 designating March to be Red Cross Month and every president thereafter has followed. This year's theme for Red Cross Month is preparedness. Being "Red Cross ready" consists of five basic steps: make a plan, build a kit, get trained,

  • SCRA: Cap your pre-service loans at 6 percent

    Are you paying more than 6 percent interest on a debt that you incurred prior to joining the service? If so, you may qualify to have the interest rate reduced and in the process save yourself a significant amount of money. The Service Member's Civil Relief Act (SCRA) offers protection to service

  • Sports shorts from around Misawa

    Eagles vs. Chiefs Volleyball Game: Team Misawa is invited to come out and cheer, or heckle, at the Eagles vs. Chiefs volleyball game. The game is scheduled for 3 p.m. on March 14 and will take place at the base gym. Softball Coaches Needed: The women's varsity softball team is in need of coaches for