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Fact Sheet Alphabetical List

  • Back to School

    Summer vacations are coming to an end and students will start preparing for a new school year. It is important to make sure your children are up-to-date on their immunizations, are eating healthy and are safe traveling back and forth to school.According to the Federal Citizen Information Center, the

  • Barbeque and Fireworks Safety

    With warmer weather comes family gatherings and cooking outside on a charcoal or gas grill. Barbequing is a relatively harmless event. However, if safety rules and respect for the dangers of fire are not followed, mishaps can and do occur. Burns, scaldings, soft tissue injuries, abrasions and cuts

  • Base-wide Exercise, Week of March 2 - 5

    A base-wide operational readiness exercise will be conducted from Feb. 26 through Mar. 5. During phase two portion (Mar. 2-5) of the exercise, scenarios may include sirens, loud booms, and warning tones on the giant voice system, and may cause gate closures and reduced parking during all hours of

  • Bicycle Safety – Watch Out Because They Might Not

    According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, each year more than 500,000 people in the US are treated in emergency departments and more than 700 people die as a result of bicycle-related injuries. Although automobiles should always be on the lookout for bicyclists, it is important for

  • Boating Safety

    Although boating does not account for many mishaps in the Air Force, the potential for injury or death remains a concern.Boats are a fun resource for both transportation and recreation but they can be dangerous if basic safety guidelines are not followed. Every boat outing should start with a basic

Pacific Air Forces

Pacific Air Forces, with headquarters at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, is one of nine major commands of the U.S. Air Force and is air component of the U.S. Pacific Command. Read the full Fact Sheet