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  • Remembering 9/11: Where were you?

    "The way things changed for us in this modern period is that now everyone is hyper vigilant," said James Burrett, the 35th Fighter Wing historian. "Before that, we were relatively complacent; we had seen other countries be attacked by terrorists and then it happens to us. Our worldview significantly

  • Team Misawa competes in 2018 Boat Regatta

    A 20-year #TeamMisawa tradition lives on bringing members of all services together in friendly competition during the annual boat regatta held Aug. 31 at the base beach.

  • Team Misawa Member's Meaning of Independence Day

    "242 years ago, the Declaration of Independence established a new republic, inscribing a foundation of unalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We join together to celebrate this momentous achievement, and remember the tremendous risks and sacrifices of our first patriots to