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  • Ops Airman rediscovers self in Misawa fitness center

    Gaining physical strength while becoming leaner and more confident is how Senior Airman Sidnea Bailey, a 35th Operations Support Squadron aircrew flight equipment journeyman, became the resilient, independent and driven Wild Weasel she is today.

  • Japanese neighbors share New Year traditions with Team Misawa

    In Japan, the New Year celebration, called “shogatsu,” is more than just a time to throw parties; it’s a celebration of tradition, hopes for good luck and a prosperous year.Team Misawa attended many New Year ceremonies with local agencies like the Misawa International Association, the Misawa Rotary

  • Team Misawa supports Wisconsin guardsmen, executes mission

    Badgers aren’t normally considered flying animals, but when you give them some tools, an F-16 Fighting Falcon jet engine and a cool facility, they are more than capable to provide fully-functional jet engines that power highly-maneuverable aircraft.The 35th Maintenance Squadron backed four Air

  • Beverly Sunrise 17-07: Exercise on the move

    “Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!” sounds off across the base giant announcing system, initiating exercise Beverly Sunrise 17-07. Instantaneously, Airmen from all squadrons, like cogs in a machine, work to generate sorties responding to a simulated deployment, Sept. 15. The pre-planned readiness

  • Misawa Ready Technician program increases maintainers' expertise

    Team Misawa constantly maintains a high operations tempo, preserving their force lethality while developing the best leaders to dominate in air, space and cyberspace.  To help maintain the wing's F-16 Fighting Falcon fleet, the base received an influx of new Airmen who are expected to flawlessly