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Tag: Mental health
  • Ops Airman rediscovers self in Misawa fitness center

    Gaining physical strength while becoming leaner and more confident is how Senior Airman Sidnea Bailey, a 35th Operations Support Squadron aircrew flight equipment journeyman, became the resilient, independent and driven Wild Weasel she is today.
  • Misawa Airmen raise suicide prevention awareness

    Misawa AB members attended a suicide prevention awareness recognition ceremony to raise awareness and increase support for community members, Sept. 14.
  • Suicide prevention month: stopping suicide is everyone’s battle

    September is Suicide Prevention Month, a time for Americans to build awareness and help understand suicide in our culture. More than 40,000 Americans lose their life due to suicide each year and research shows that rates in the military and the general population are very close. The loss of any one person to suicide is a tragedy, and that is why
  • Finding strength to triumph depression, anxiety

    Before the sunlight touched my window, my alarm pierced the silence of my bedroom. As I reach over to my night stand to click snooze, I think:“Just another day…” Mustering the strength to get out of bed, I find my significant other running out the door on her way to work. She tells me, “Have a great day,” and I tell her the same, but as I looked in
  • Winning mind wars to overcome life's battles

     Every morning, Capt. Mary Zander, a 35th Medical Operations Squadron psychologist, wakes up, puts her uniform on, and prepares for a day of listening and finding solutions to help her patients conquer their challenges.Air Force psychologists provide deeper-level care for patients by taking a look at inward problems that manifest themselves
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