Team Misawa personnel beautify Lake Ogawara campsites

U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Darla Laubacher, left, a 35th Maintenance Squadron fuels system technician, and Staff Sgt. Talia Alicea, a 35th MXS nondestructive inspection technician, scan the Lake Ogawara camp site for trash in Misawa City, Japan, Oct. 28, 2017, at Misawa City, Japan. The two worked together to help clean the lake’s camping sites, providing a safer environment for the local community to enjoy. Misawa AB regularly volunteers in the local area, which reinforces the strong bond between the U.S. and its host nation of Japan. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Sadie Colbert)

PHOTO BY: Airman 1st Class Sadie Colbert
VIRIN: 171028-F-MZ237-0068.JPG
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