MISAWA AIR BASE, Japan -- A SOFA member of the Misawa Air Base community tested positive for COVID-19 and is in isolation on base.
This individual has been in ROM status since arriving on a government-chartered flight and was identified as a result of end-of-ROM testing. This member had no contact with the on- or off-base community due to strict adherence to the 35th Fighter Wing’s ROM procedures.
There are currently two active cases of COVID-19 on Misawa Air base, and the base continues to maintain its mission readiness in order to defend Japan, protect U.S interests in the Indo-Pacific and deter adversaries in the region.
Our top priority is protecting all members of Team Misawa and the local community. We ask everyone to continue to wear their masks and wash their hands to keep our communities both on base and off base safe. If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing), DO NOT go to Urgent Care. Call the MDG COVID-19 hotline: 226-6555/5575 or email usaf.misawa.35-MDG.mbx.COVID-hotline@mail.mil.
Please contact the 35th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office with any questions by phone at 0176-77-3075 or email at 35fw.pa@us.af.mil.
米軍三沢基地は基地と周辺地域住民を守ることを最優先に任務を実施しています。基地内外における住民の安全確保のため、皆様におかれましては引き続きマス クの着用および手洗いの実施をお願い致します。新型コロナウイルス感染症の諸症状(熱、咳、息苦しさ)のある方については救急外来の利用はお控えください。