Wild Weasel of the Week: Airman 1st Class Dylan Gorr

Each week a member of the 35th Fighter Wing is selected as the Wild Weasel of the Week. This individual is recognized by a different unit each week based on superior performance, outstanding work ethic, and overall good conduct and discipline.

The 35th Medical Operations Squadron chose Airman 1st Class Dylan Gorr, an Emergency Medical Technician, as their Wild Weasel of the Week.

What is your daily mission?

Our mission in the UCC is supporting the Wing through medical care. We do this by assisting the UCC physicians with treating everything from a cold, to stabilizing a serious trauma or medical patient. We also act as the ambulance services so we respond to in flight emergencies, 911s and transport patients to a higher echelon of care when needed.

What do you enjoy about your job?

The thing I enjoy most about this job is going on 911 calls and helping people on one of their worst days.

Why did you choose to serve in the Air Force?

I specifically chose the medical field to help people in their darkest hours to feel better.

What is your favorite thing about living in Japan?


Who has been your best mentor and what have they taught you? 

One of my best mentors is MSgt Mike Maroney, while training with him he helped me change my way of thinking so I could overcome physical and mental challenges in my life. He also taught me to always challenge myself to become better than I was the day before and most importantly to never quit.

How long have you been stationed at Misawa?

Roughly 11 months

How long have you been in the Air Force?

22 Months

What goals do you want to meet while at Misawa?

I would like to obtain my degree and save a set amount of money while stationed here.

What goals do you want to meet during your Air Force career?

Retrain to Pararescue and possibly commission to become a Combat Rescue Officer.

Supervisor’s comments on why you were selected:

“A1C Gorr’s professionalism outstanding, I’ve noticed he delivers great patient care and often stays after his shift to ensure continuity in care. He is truly a great asset to the Air Force. His attitude and dedication to the mission will take him far in his career,” said SSgt Hortencia Ramon, 35th MDOS urgent care clinic NCO in charge.