Wild Weasel of the Week: Airman 1st Class Kevin Riker

Each week a member of the 35th Fighter Wing is selected as the Wild Weasel of the Week. This individual is recognized based on superior performance, outstanding work ethic, and overall good conduct and discipline.

The 35th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron chose Airman 1st Class Kevin Riker, assistant dedicated crew chief, to be their Wild Weasel of the Week.

What is your daily mission?
To put safe and reliable aircraft in the air and maintain and inspect it with quality.

What do you enjoy about your job?
Nothing beats saluting your pilot as he taxis down the runway and seeing your name on the jet he's in.

Why did you choose to serve in the Air Force?
I wanted to serve my country and work on jets.

What is your favorite thing about living in Japan?
Getting to see all of the different attractions this country has to offer.

Who has been your best mentor and what have they taught you?
Staff Sgt. Jeffrey Katzenbach has taught me to be the best I can be in and outside of work.

How long have you been stationed at Misawa?
1 year and 5 months.

How long have you been in the Air Force?
Over 2 years.

What goals do you want to meet while at Misawa?
Finish as much schooling as I can and be the best I can at work.

What goals do you want to meet during your Air Force career?
To make the most of being in another country and continue making friends and having new experiences.

Supervisor's comments:
"Airman 1st Class Kevin Riker is a highly motivated, well mannered and amazing role model. Kevin is a respected Airman who gets the job done. His selflessness on and off duty truly shows great promise. In my opinion, Kevin will make a truly amazing NCO in the future." - Staff Sgt. Jeffery Katzenbach, 35 AMXS dedicated crew chief