Wild Weasel of the Week: Staff Sgt. Marie Nicolas

Each week a member of the 35th Fighter Wing is selected as the Wild Weasel of the Week. This individual is recognized based on superior performance, outstanding work ethic, and overall good conduct and discipline.

The 13th Fighter Squadron chose Staff Sgt. Marie Nicolas, assistant NCO in charge of squadron aviation resource management, as its Wild Weasel of the Week.

What is your daily mission?
As an Aviation Resource Manager, I track and maintain pilots' flying and ground training as well as their flying hours. Before allowing the aircrew members to step, I conduct go and no-go checks on their training to make sure they meet all requirements prior to flying. On a day-to-day basis I coordinate with multiple base agencies such as aircraft maintenance, airfield operations, vehicle operations and other units to ensure our pilots can take off without any delays. Ultimately, my daily mission is to ensure our 35th Fighter Wing aircrew members are fully qualified to safely execute the mission.

What do you enjoy about your job?
My job has given me the opportunity to work with a lot of great people, from the 'boots on the ground' special operators to the pilots who fly the jets. I enjoy being able to see the impact that I make and how my job affects the mission.

Why did you choose to serve in the Air Force?
Aside from all the great benefits, I chose to serve in the Air Force because I wanted to travel the world and so far I have been fortunate to be stationed in great places.

What is your favorite thing about living in Japan?
I love the food and going to all the festivals the country has throughout the year.

Who has been your best mentor and what have they taught you?
Master Sgt. Tina Hettinga has been my best mentor. She has taught me to always do what's right even if it's not always the popular decision and to give your 100 percent in everything you do whether it's your primary or additional duty.

How long have you been stationed at Misawa?
2.5 years

How long have you been in the Air Force?
5 years

What goals do you want to meet while at Misawa?
I would like to complete my Community College of the Air Force degree for Aviation Management.

What goals do you want to meet during your Air Force career?
As a new and developing noncommissioned officer, I want to work on becoming a better supervisor and mentor. I also hope to complete 20 years in the military and retire.

Supervisor's comments:
"Sergeant Nicolas consistently displays professionalism and dedication to the mission along with a great attitude. Whether she is here at Misawa or on the road with the 13 FS, she can always be counted on to uphold our high standards and make a great first impression when she works with various base agencies. Sergeant Nicolas is also the first to ask if any other Panther needs help as soon as she has a minute to spare. She keeps our daily operations running smoothly and coordinates almost every aspect of making sure we are ready to step to the jets. Every pilot in the world's greatest Wild Weasels knows that if Sergeant Nicolas says you are good to fly, then you are good to fly." - Lt. Col. Brandon McBrayer, 13 FS director of operations.