1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:11,149 --> 00:00:14,060 Tower 220 was an initiative that was 3 00:00:14,069 --> 00:00:16,319 actually brought down from headquarters 4 00:00:16,680 --> 00:00:18,979 to allow all helping agencies to be co 5 00:00:18,989 --> 00:00:22,500 located under one roof . Currently , we 6 00:00:22,510 --> 00:00:25,360 have myself , I'm a part of provincial 7 00:00:25,370 --> 00:00:27,590 workforce , but we also have your 8 00:00:27,600 --> 00:00:30,159 operational support team , OS T sexual 9 00:00:30,170 --> 00:00:32,226 assault prevention resource sapper . 10 00:00:32,549 --> 00:00:34,520 They have two offices here . Equal 11 00:00:34,529 --> 00:00:36,650 opportunity , Dava , for victim 12 00:00:36,659 --> 00:00:39,209 advocates . We also have our diversity , 13 00:00:39,220 --> 00:00:41,442 equity and inclusion person . The way I 14 00:00:41,442 --> 00:00:44,009 usually encourage people to get here if 15 00:00:44,020 --> 00:00:46,639 they are coming from the main gate here 16 00:00:46,650 --> 00:00:50,599 on Massawa , make that a laugh on Getty 17 00:00:51,169 --> 00:00:53,391 as if you're going to the chapel . Soon 18 00:00:53,400 --> 00:00:55,400 as you make that left , you'll make 19 00:00:55,400 --> 00:00:57,622 another left and we'll be on your right 20 00:00:57,622 --> 00:00:59,733 side . And the way you know , it's us 21 00:00:59,733 --> 00:01:01,900 is because you'll see a blue and white 22 00:01:01,900 --> 00:01:04,220 sign that says I pr C . This building 23 00:01:04,279 --> 00:01:07,095 hope will not look the same a year from 24 00:01:07,105 --> 00:01:09,724 now . I've been fortunate to provide 25 00:01:09,735 --> 00:01:12,605 some ideas for this building and how I 26 00:01:12,614 --> 00:01:16,035 can foresee us growing further . But 27 00:01:16,044 --> 00:01:18,155 it's a work in progress . We're all a 28 00:01:18,155 --> 00:01:19,964 work in progress . Even towers , you 20